Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My baby...

Will always bey baby.

After much prayer and discernment, we are trusting God as we registered Joseph for prek today at the local school.  

There has been so much soul searching, on my part, a loosening up of my grip on my desire to do things my way, and courage to trust God to continue caring for ALL of Joseph's needs even when not by my side all day, every day.  I am
In tears, here.  Not my happiest day, but Joseph is plenty excited enough for the two of us!  Let's just say, I am glad I have another six months to better prepare my heart.  As for right now, I am celebrating that his is making progress in pulling up his own clothes after going to the bathroom.  Tonight, I am celebrating this little boy, who has a heart of gold, a bright imagination, and the coolest train adventures!